Price Chopper has a great in ad coupon this week
for Cereal --- 5 for $10
Buy 4 Multi Grain Cheerios
Buy 1 Cinnamon Toast Crunch
USE 1 - 60¢ off Cinnamon Toast Crunch Coupon found HERE
USE 5 for $10 Price Chopper Cereal in Ad Coupon
= $2.80 for 5 Boxes of Cereal
I always hand the cashier my Price Chopper coupons last
because of their coupon policy with double coupons
***The total of all double coupons cannot exceed 50% of the order
As long as your total is over 50% when you use the coupon you are ok!
So always use the coupons that will double FIRST!
There are also many other less than $4 Cereal Deals.
It just depends on if you want more Cherrios or Cinnamon Toast Crunch
There is a 50¢ off Cinnamon Toast Crunch HERE too
TOTAL SAVINGS = $7.20 Plus the amount the the 5 / $10 Price Chopper Coupon Takes off!
I'm not sure of the regular price and I won't be going to Price Chopper until Saturday!
If anyone knows the Regular price of the Cereal could you email me or leave it in the comments please :)
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